The Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress will be hosting a roundtable on the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) on January 30, 2019 in Pasig City. The forum aims to evaluate opportunities and challenges in reviving the sub-regional growth triangle as part of the cooperation efforts between selected ASEAN countries and China, in light of various integration projects such as China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Master Plan for ASEAN Connectivity.

Photo from Myanmar ISIS' Facebook Account

Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation, Inc. was honored to accept the Chairmanship of the ASEAN Institutes for Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS), in a simple handover ceremony organized by Myanmar ISIS. ASEAN-ISIS is a longstanding network of think tanks across Southeast Asia that has actively contributed to policy-oriented research and dialogues on regional affairs.

Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation took part in a historic roundtable conference on the Korean Peninsula that gathered think-tank representatives from the two Koreas and ASEAN countries. The conference was held on December 13, 2018 at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel in Yangon. It was organized by the Myanmar Institute for Strategic and International Studies (MISIS) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Myanmar.

Photo courtesy of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung invited a number of Pathways to Progress fellows and trustees to participate in a closed-door workshop where Philippine and international experts came together to discuss Philippine and ASEAN foreign policy. This was held on November 24 at the Makati Diamond Residences. Among the Pathways representatives were Trustees Raphael Lotilla and Wilfrido Villacorta, President Aileen Baviera, and fellows Herman Kraft and Julio Amador . The workshop was led by KAS country director for the Philippines Dr Stefan Jost.