Presented by Prof. Herman Kraft during a closed-door discussion with Pathways to Progress and Center for Strategic and International Studies held on July 12, 2018 at Microtel UP Technohub, Quezon City.

Presented by Scott Kennedy a closed-door discussion with Pathways to Progress and Center for Strategic and International Studies held on July 12, 2018 at Microtel UP Technohub, Quezon City.

Presented by Alan H. Yang during a closed-door discussion with Pathways to Progress and Center for Strategic and International Studies held on July 12, 2018 at Microtel UP Technohub, Quezon City.

Presented by Dr. Ian Hall at the Second Philippine-Australia Dialogue: Security Dimensions of Comprehensive Partnership held on June 25-26, 2018 at Astoria Plaza, Pasig City. The Dialogue was organized by Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress and Griffith Asia Institute, with the support of Office of the Cabinet Secretary, Australian Embassy and Astoria Plaza.