
 We need US for South China Sea – Duterte


Christina Mendez


The Philippine Star


 September 21, 2016


President Duterte has apparently mellowed even further on his sentiments about the United States, reiterating yesterday he did not seek the pullout of American forces as the Philippines would need its ally in defending the country from intrusions in the West Philippine Sea and South China Sea. “I said there will be some time in the future that I will ask the US special forces to get out, almost 117 of them, better that you get out so that I can talk peace… and so I can show that you are not there,” he said in a speech before the 10th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army in Mawab, Compostela Valley.


 Chinese are coming, on cruise ship no less


Amy Reno




Semptember 20, 2016 


CHINESE investors and tourists are starting to warm up to the Philippines on the back of President Duterte’s repeated calls to make peace with China. Francis Chua, chair emeritus of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), noted this growing interest, as he disclosed that there will be a cruise ship—with some 2,000 Chinese tourists and investors—docking in the Philippines soon.


 ‘Track 2’ diplomacy with China begins


Michael Joe T. Delizo


The Manila Times


 September 20, 2016


A GROUP of retired ambassadors, military officials, businessmen and academics have begun “Track 2” diplomacy with Beijing, with their Chinese counterparts lauding the Duterte administration’s decision to set aside in the meantime an international arbitration ruling favoring the Philippines in the dispute over the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).


 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on September 19, 2016


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang


Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Houston


 September 19, 2016


Q: The Japanese Defense Minister visited Washington last week, pledging to participate in training exercises with the US in the South China Sea and saying that Japan would enhance cooperation with other countries surrounding the South China Sea. Do you have any response to this?
A: Japan has been acting abnormally on the South China Sea recently. As I said in a statement on July 28, we find Japan's refusal to acknowledge reality the most pathetic. We can see form the report you mentioned that the Japanese side still fails to acknowledge the irresistible trend of time, or shall we say that it is reluctant to do so. Let's take a look at the development of the South China Sea issue for a period of time. The South China Sea had remained tranquil all along, but certain differences that were under effective control in this region were picked up and highlighted by some non-regional countries. After being sidetracked, regional countries finally realized where their fundamental interests lie, agreeing to come back to regional consensus and properly deal with the South China Sea issue with the dual-track approach, namely peacefully resolving disputes through negotiation and consultation by countries directly concerned and jointly upholding peace and stability in this region by China and ASEAN countries. Following this spirit, the China-ASEAN foreign ministers' meeting in July issued a joint declaration on fully and effectively implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), followed by an outcome document of the China-ASEAN leaders' meeting in September that pledges to fully and effectively implement the DOC and advance consultations in a substantive way so as to reach the code of conduct in the South China Sea (COC) based on consensus. These efforts reflect the common will of countries surrounding the South China Sea, and also represent the only viable path out of the South China Sea issue. Meanwhile, let's take a look at what Japan has done with all means to disorder the region. To start with, Japan launched a negative publicity campaign to stir up troubles in the South China Sea while claiming to represent the "international community". Realizing that few countries were on its side, Japan enlisted another seven or eight countries to cheer for its actions. When being increasingly isolated, Japan did not hesitate to play tricks and impose on relevant countries its own opinions, which were proven to be wrong immediately. I suggest Japan be mindful of two things. First, China is committed to safeguarding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. Second, China and ASEAN countries are committed to properly handling the South China Sea issue through the dual-track approach.


 Philippines eyes talks with China sans preconditions


Jose Katigbak


The Philippine Star


September 18, 2016


WASHINGTON – The Philippines is quietly making arrangements through diplomatic channels for bilateral talks with China without any preconditions to discuss their competing claims in the South China Sea and West Philippine Sea, Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay said. “The important thing is that we talk,” he told Filipino community members at a meeting in the Philippine embassy in Washington on Friday.


 Villar sells agri-travel in China


Macon Ramos-Araneta


Manila Standard


September 17, 2016 


SENATOR Cynthia Villar promoted the Philippines as an agri-tourism destination as she led the Philippine delegation at the China-Asean Expo held in Nanning, Guangxi, China. The Philippines’ theme this year is agri-tourism supplementing the bid to promote the Philippines as a destination of choice for agri-tourism. The theme is anchored on “Farm Tourism Development Act of 2016,” enacted into law as Republic Act 10816 last May.


 The Philippines' brash president is playing a geopolitical game he can't afford to lose


Christopher Woody


Business Insider


 September 17, 2016


Since the Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte took office in July, he has threatened to eat Filipino rebels, encouraged vigilante violence, disparaged US President Barack Obama, and overseen a bloody crackdown on drug use that has left more than 2,000 people dead.


 PH poised to be biggest recipient of Japan’s military aid program


Roy Mabasa


Manila Bulletin


 September 17, 2016


Tokyo, Japan — The Philippines is poised to become the biggest recipient of Japan’s capacity building assistance particularly the transfer of military technology and equipment in order to beef up its own capability in safeguarding its territorial waters in the South China Sea.


 Minister: Japan to increase activities in South China Sea


Matthew Pennington (The Associated Press)


The Philippine Star


 September 16, 2016


WASHINGTON — Japan's defense minister says its forces will increase engagement in the South China Sea through training cruises with the U.S. Navy and multilateral exercises with regional navies.


 China has the power, now can ‘One Belt, One Road’ take it down the path to glory?


Jean-Pierre Lehmann


South China Morning Post


 September 15, 2016


As is well known, for a period of over a century, the erstwhile great Chinese empire – a source of admiration and inspiration for centuries – underwent an era of humiliation. Since the reforms in the late 1970s and early 1980s under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping ( 鄧小平 ), China’s economic fortunes have been greatly restored. When China speaks, the entire planet listens – a quite dramatic contrast with not many decades ago when it was shunned and marginalised by the international market and community.


 China ready to invest in PH infra


Mayvelline Caravallo


The Manila Times


September 14, 2016


Nanning, China: China is ready to invest heavily in the Philippines, particularly in infrastructure development, now that President Rodrigo Duterte is showing keen interest in improving the relationship between the two countries, a regional business leader said. Recalling his visit to Manila three weeks ago, the executive president of the China-Asean Business Council, Xu Ningning, said he observed that quality of infrastructure in the Philippines is still not high enough to attract investments and support a growing economy.


 Duterte rejects joint patrols, eyes China weapons


Jim Gomez (Associated Press)


The Philippine Star


 September 14, 2016


MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte said Tuesday he won't allow government forces to conduct joint patrols of disputed waters near the South China Sea with foreign powers, apparently scrapping a deal his predecessor reached with the US military earlier this year.


 China, Russia start joint navy drill in South China Sea


Yiao Jianing




September 13, 2016


ZHANJIANG, Guangdong, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- China and Russia started a joint naval drill off Guangdong Province in the South China Sea on Tuesday. The "Joint Sea 2016" drill will run until Sept. 19, featuring navy surface ships, submarines, fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, marines and amphibious armored equipment.