
 China cuts official contact with Taiwan over new president






 June 25, 2016


BEIJING, China – China said Saturday that communications with Taiwan had been suspended after the island's new government failed to acknowledge the concept that there is only "one China".


 Beijing: Japanese Judge Means South China Sea Tribunal Is Biased


Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian


Foreign Policy


 June 21, 2016


Tensions over competing territorial claims in the resource-rich South China Sea have spiked in recent months as claimant countries, including China and the Philippines, await an upcoming decision by an international tribunal. That body, located at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, is widely expected to rule in the Philippines’ favor. But China has repeatedly stated that it will not accept the upcoming ruling, and has recently engaged in a public relations blitz to gain international support for its position. Now, Beijing is raising an objection unique in the history of arbitration cases of this type: the nationality of the person who oversaw the tribunal’s formation.


 Will China accept a verdict favorable to the Philippines?


Mauro Samonte


The Manila Times


 June 18, 2016


ON May 7, 2009, China issued a note verbale to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, of the United Nations, which, in sum, sought to dismiss the Submission by Vietnam to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf regarding Vietnamese claim of certain portions of the South China Sea.


 China urges Philippines to withdraw arbitration case


Roee Ruttenberg




June 9, 2016


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has said the Philippines' unilateral initiation of an arbitration case that involves territorial claims in the South China Sea, meant it had closed the door on settling disputes through dialogue and negotiation. He has called for Manila to settle disputes through bilateral negotiations.


 China says Philippines ‘closed the door’ on territory talks


Clifford Coonan


The Irish Times


June 9, 2016 


As international arbitration over China’s claims in areas of the South China Sea claimed by the Philippines looms closer, Beijing has accused Manila of “closing the door” to talks aimed at settling their differences through negotiation. The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague is expected to rule at the end of June or early July on a unilateral arbitration case submitted by the Philippines on its territorial disputes with Beijing in the region.


 Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China on Settling Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea Through Bilateral Negotiation






June 8, 2016 


China and the Philippines are neighbors facing each other across the sea, and the two peoples have enjoyed friendship over generations. Before the Philippines' unilateral initiation of the South China Sea arbitration on 22 January 2013, the overall situation in the South China Sea had remained stable despite certain disputes between China and the Philippines therein. Thanks to China's efforts, China and the Philippines carried out friendly consultations on, among others, establishing dialogue mechanisms and engaging in practical cooperation and joint development, and have achieved positive outcomes in this regard. However, ever since its initiation of the arbitration, the Philippines has unilaterally closed the door of settling the South China Sea issue with China through negotiation, and has, while turning its back on the bilateral consensus regarding managing differences, taken a series of provocative moves that infringed upon China's legitimate rights and interests. This has led to dramatic deterioration of China-Philippines relations as well as of peace and stability in the South China Sea. China is firmly opposed to the Philippines' unilateral actions. China adheres to the solemn position of non-acceptance of and non-participation in the arbitration, and will stay committed to settling the relevant disputes with the Philippines in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation.


 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on June 8, 2016


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Press Conference


Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Sydney


 June 8, 2016


Q: This morning, the Foreign Ministry issued a statement on settling disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation. What is the consideration behind the statement? A: The Philippines closed the door of settling relevant disputes in the South China Sea through negotiation with China by unilaterally initiating the arbitration in 2013, which led to deterioration of China-Philippines relations. In order to properly deal with maritime disputes, China and the Philippines have on many occasions agreed to resolve relevant disputes through bilateral negotiation. However, the two sides have by far never engaged in any bilateral negotiation on the subject-matters of the arbitration. The South China Sea arbitration was unilaterally initiated by the Philippines. In doing so, the Philippines has turned its back on the agreement reached and repeatedly reaffirmed by China and the Philippines on settling the relevant disputes in the South China Sea through negotiation and violated its own solemn commitment in the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). This is an abuse of the UNCLOS dispute settlement procedures. It goes against international law, including UNCLOS. The door of China-Philippines bilateral negotiation is always open. China will remain committed to settling through negotiation the relevant disputes with the Philippines in the South China Sea on the basis of respecting historical facts and in accordance with international law. China urges the Philippines to immediately cease its wrongful conduct of pushing forward the arbitral proceedings, and return to the right path of settling the relevant disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation with China.


 Senior Chinese Military Officer Visited Disputed Island


Jeremy Page and Gordon Lubold


The Wall Street Journal


 April 15, 2016


China’s top military officer led a high-level delegation on a visit to a cluster of Chinese-built artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea in recent days, underlining the strategic importance of the structures at the center of a standoff between Beijing and Washington.