Philippine-Australia Dialogue: Security Dimensions of the Comprehensive Partnership


This policy paper provides an assessment of converging security concerns and interests between the Philippines and Australia within the framework of the Philippine-Australia Comprehensive partnership. The insights presented in this paper reflect the views and analyses of experts who participated in the “Philippine-Australia Dialogue: Security Dimensions of the Comprehensive Partnership” held in Manila last June 2018. Key areas of discussions focused on regional security architecture, maritime security and cooperation, counterterrorism, and cybersecurity. The overall findings conclude that continuous dialogue between Australia and the Philippines is essential. Moving forward, Track 1.5 and Track 2 interactions offer opportunities for Australia and the Philippines to continuously collaborate in the formulation and evaluation of policies to address common challenges and achieve shared goals and interests. Given the shifting power structures and evolving security threats in the region, it is recommended for both states to explore elevating their partnership to a strategic level.


About the Author

Mark Bryan Manantan is a Research Affiliate at the Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress. He is an active contributor to the Strategic Studies and Management Office of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. His work has been published at The Diplomat and by Australia Institute of International Affairs, Philippine Star, and Rappler.