
Dr. Tina S. Clemente, Associate Professor at the UP Asian Center and coordinator of the U.P. Center for Integrative and Development Studies' China/Strategic Studies program, was invited to participate in a conference on 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Sino-Indonesian Strategic Cooperation, which was held on 25-26 April 2016 at the Yifu International Conference Center, Central China Normal University (CCNU) in Wuhan, China. The conference was co-sponsored by CCNU and the China Society for Southeast Asian Studies (CSSAS) and co-organized by the Institute of Political Science (IPC) and the Indonesian Studies Center (ISC), both units of CCNU.


 APPFI President Aileen Baviera was invited by Xiamen University to participate in the Fifth Nanyang Cultural Festival which was held from April 22 until 25, 2016. The Nanyang Festival is held every two years. This year’s co-organizers were the Consulates-General in Xiamen of the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, as well as the Xiamen Municipal Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. It consisted of a trade exhibit, a business matchmaking workshop, a film festival, food festivals, cultural show, a tourism carnival and an academic forum, all held in different venues in the “garden city” of Xiamen.

Last April 14-17 2016, Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation, Inc. supported the University of the Philippines Asian Center in hosting a delegation from the China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) – one of China’s most infuential think tanks in the field of Chinese foreign relations. The party was led by Professor Ji Zhiye, President of CICIR, and included four  other analysts – Professors Li Li, Song Qingrun, Zhang Xuegang and Nie Huihui – all focusing on Southeast Asia and Oceania Studies. The goal of the delegation was to build deeper understanding of the Philippines and to foster cooperation through academic exchanges involving  the two institutions.


UP President Alfredo E Pascual together with CICIR President Ji Zhiye,  the CICIR delegates, UP Diliman Chancellor Michael Tan and UP professors during the welcome dinner.


ASTORIA PLAZA, Pasig City – China’s nine-dash line is ambiguous, causing confusion for the energy development players from South China Sea littoral States, according to Lucio Pitlo III, a lecturer of International Relations at the De La Salle University and of the Chinese Studies Program of Ateneo de Manila University, at a roundtable discussion on oil and gas.